Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are Review

I finally saw Where The Wild Things Are last night by Spike Jonze and I really enjoyed it. I know that a lot of people complained about this movie being a little too wild for kids and it is. This isn't a full fledged kids movie by any stretch of the imagination. However, some kids may still enjoy the movie but I highly doubt many of them will really grasp or appreciate the subtext that runs throughout. This may also be hard for some parents to watch as they may not want to face (or be reminded of) the idea of a ten year old (their ten year old) going through this type of situation.

This movie (as I see it) is essentially about a child who's forced into some sort of premature loss of innocence due to the fact that his parents are getting a divorce. For instance no ten year old should be taught that everything, even the sun, will one day die. For those of us that have long ditched our innocence this is not such a big problem and rather entertaining.

The kid then tries to cope with this loss by escaping to some far off fantasy world where everything in life actually turns out like it should have and how he wanted it to be. The problem is that his sad reality starts to seep into his fantasy and eventually ruins the whole thing.

As for the execution, it was largely fantastic. Visually wonderful, cool soundtrack, and a descent story. You may end up drifting when the story lags here or there but it's not really a big deal and doesn't happen often. For the most part it was a really good time. This movie also made me have a lot of throw backs to being a stupid kid. Especially the play mud fight that always ended in a real fight. Always!

I give this movie A.


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