Monday, February 15, 2010

Movies By Season

Okay, it's February and you may have noticed that I haven't done a lot of movie reviewing lately. That's because most movies that I'd like to see don't come out in February. This is the time of year that Hollywood usually puts out all it's mediocre films that wouldn't have had a chance during the holiday season. That means that February is usually a sad month for the movie going public.

So like I said the month of December is usually reserved for blockbuster type movies. For instance Avatar came out on December 18. This is because most people have time off of work or school and Hollywood knows they're going to be looking for something to do. So release the best and rake in the most cash possible.

This is the same logic with the summer blockbuster run. Kids are all home from school, ship 'em all off to see a movie. That's actually the premier season for Hollywood and their big money makers. This is why you'll see a lot of big action and special effects extravaganzas come out during the summer months.

Fall is typically reserved for movies that the studios think have a chance of doing well at the Oscars and other awards shows. They have to release the films before the start of the new year so they 're still included in the upcoming season. Then they wait to near the end of the year so the movies will all still be at the top of the mind of Oscar judges come late February or early March.

I guess what I'm saying is that if you know what month it is and you've read what I've just written then you'll have a better shot at knowing what to expect when you head out to the theater. But, always remember there can be exceptions to every rule! Have fun.


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