Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Zero's: A Decade in Review

The zero's, the dough nut's, it was a decade. One that had to follow the 90's which after it's all said and done... I liked a lot better. Don't get me wrong, I liked a lot of the movies that came out over the past ten years just not as much as I have in previous decades.

So what sums up the decade? Well, it was definitely the time when special effects blockbuster type films ruled. Some of these were great, a lot were mediocre and some just down right crappy. Didn't seem to matter they all managed to make a ton of money. Transformers 2 ( Transformers 1 also blew in my book) and Indiana Jones 4 I'm looking in your direction and when I say crappy I mean crappy. And just to depress you... Mission Impossible 2 was the highest grossing film of 2000. Not a good way to start a decade. Read reviews before going people!

The other genre of film that took a surprising lead role with me this decade was comedies. This was one of the surprising bright spots for me with Ben Stiller, The Frat Pack(you know Will Farrel, Owen Wilson, etc.) and Seth Rogen leading the charge. I've always loved comedies and in this area the zero's really managed a solid offering.

So here's a top ten list of my favorite movies of the decade. No real judging criteria, just what entertained me the most.

1. The Dark Knight – Hands down awesome, Batman Begins was great as well.
2. Bad Santa – Hilarious, filthy and a little disturbing but oh so good.
3. Old School – The Frat pack's best in my opinion. There were a lot of funny ones from these guys but this one was an instant classic. Too many good ones from this crew to list really.
4. Super Troopers – One of the greatest opening scenes in comedy history.
5. Kill Bill Vol. 1 – Who doesn't love over the top super stylish cartoon like violence? Especially when it has an interesting story to go with it. Vol. 2 was good but not as good as Vol. 1.
6. Sin City – A film noir parody of epic proportions. Can't wait for the sequel.
7. Traffic – Maybe the best drama of the decade.
8. No Country For Old Men – A great movie, possibly a little artsy for some.
9. Joe Dirt – David Spade as a dirt ball, sweet!
10. Man on Fire – My favorite movie with Denzel Washington.

So that's my top ten. I know there were a lot of other good ones but those are my favorites. Other honorable mentions would be Anchorman, Crash, Napoleon Dynamite, Shawn of the Dead, The Rules of Attraction, Training Day, The Departed, Blood Diamond, Knocked Up, Iron Man and Inglorious Bastards just in case you were looking for something worth seeing(as if you haven't seen 'em all already). I'm sure there were more but that's all I've got for now.


Anonymous said...

Whoooo Super Troopers

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