Sunday, January 24, 2010

Daybreakers Film Review

Daybreakers features Ethan Hawke and William Dafoe in a world where vampires rule! However, this doesn't turn out as well for the vampires as one might think. The main problem is that there are so many vampires that they've hunted the human race to the brink of extinction. They desperately need human blood or they'll quickly become physically deformed and mentally deranged.

This is where Ethan Hawke comes in. He's a vampire looking for a cure for a huge vampire pharmaceutical company. The company doesn't really care about a cure, just making money and they figure a human blood substitute would be better for repeat business. Ethan Hawke has sympathy for the humans and eventually finds his cure with the help of some regular warm blooded humans. The head of the pharmaceutical company tries to stop them from delivering the cure.

This is a descent movie with an interesting concept. The pacing however is a little on the slow slide but on the plus side there are some fun action scenes that break up the movie. These action scenes get a little outlandish at times but it's a vampire movie so it's to be expected. Some of the violence is over the top but again this is a vampire movie.

William Dafoe is probably the movie's most interesting character delivering the most memorable lines. There isn't a lot of dialog in this movie and what is there isn't all that great but this fits the tone of the film. Almost all the dialog used is used just to push the narrative forward.

It's also funny to note that Dafoe, who's a custom car builder, has the same Trans Am as in “Smokey and the Bandit”. Run Bandit Run!


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