Monday, September 13, 2010

Machete Review

Wow! Machete was crazy and when I say crazy I mean crazy. First off this movie really isn't for the faint of heart. There's a ton of violence that's consistent throughout the whole thing which makes sense considering that this movie is something of a spoof on exploitation films from back in the day. The violence is really over blown and cartoonish in someways which is sort of the style these days. You either like it or you don't. Personally I found myself laughing at most of it. It's sort of so sick that you have to laugh. I don't know if that's good or bad but I can say I did find myself laughin'.

Aside from the violence the plot is also out of control. Think Charlie Manson type race wars but between Mexicans and Whites instead of Blacks and Whites but if Charlie Manson had more of a self serving drug dealing purposes for starting it all. Yeah, it's out of control.

It's also interesting to note that this movie has a political agenda which is a big part of the theme. It's not subtle about it either(nothing about this movie is subtle). I'm not going to say if I'm for it or against it or even what it is, just letting you know it's there and very loud. I prefer subtle most of the time but it's fine for this movie just because everything else is more of less screamed in your face so for better or worse it fits.

Just some random points of interest. First this movie is random. Steven Seagal is Mexican but for some reason runs around with Samurai swords, Lindsay Lohan gets dressed up as a nun and I don't know. There's a bunch of other weird shit. Oh, and Lohan's boobs are there for the peepin'. So, yeah, that might mean something to ya or not. Have fun!